Speaking Topics

Why Our Stories Matter – In a day when all attention is put on celebrities, politicians, professional athletic stars, it is easy to feel insignificant. It is easy to believe that our lives and stories pale in comparison and that we are invisible.  Nothing could be more untrue. Personal stories paint landscapes of our lives, keep rich family and cultural history alive and demonstrate how we all flow into the fabric of humanity. You do not have to be a professional author or trained writer to tell stories. These workshops are actually designed around the non-professional writer to encourage sharing your story with family and friends or maybe the world.

Forgiveness: The Powerful Key to Personal Freedom – Several years after the death of my mother, I chose to repair her  wedding ring. The ring was one of many belongings that found their way to me after my estranged mother died. The decision to repair and wear the ring gave me the one tool needed to break from a harsh and painful upbringing. That tool is forgiveness. The story of “Mama’s Ring” was a national contest prize winner, is published in a anthology called, “Letters to America” by Xulon Press and was the beginning of my writing career.  It also appears in my latest book, “Jesus in Shorts: Twenty-five Short Stories of Life-Changing Jesus Moments.”

Living Each Day as Valuable – We are valuable at every stage of life regardless of age, body type, world definitions of what women “should be” or other factors mediated by external ego funders.

Resisting the Retroreach for Lost Youth and Other Unobtainable Ideas – The idea that we only have purpose if we are young is contributing to unhealthy attitudes for people.  Based on the story, “The Mortar Man Cometh” about a young man who really believed he could help me feel better and look better by filling in furrows in my face.

Burdens or Blessings – You Decide – Discovering the attitudes that can change our burdens to blessings, if we can look through a new lens. Learn an acronym for the word “burdens” that may change the way you view your trials by looking at them as motivators and not chains of immobility.

Life – Running Our Race on God’s Course – Busy, busy, busy is the mantra of everyone I know, and it used to be mine. But I learned to lace up my running shoes and then instead of heading straight into what I think I should be doing, asking God to show me the course daily. You can too.

Pobody’s Nerfect – The quest to be the perfect woman/man or have the perfect life is fueled by an unreasonable expectation that was never promised and can never be achieved, no matter how much effort goes into it. There was only one perfect one – the Son of God. Relying on Him in our imperfections is the growth food for the soul.

Hush Child – Quieting the voices that cause us to continuously run on the hamster wheel in the illusion that we do indeed have control of all the events going on around us. Learn this dance to African drumming music that calls us to be quiet, wait for Zion and move on the highways of our hearts towards Him.

Learning to Love Ourselves – Hard to love others if we don’t love ourselves.  In this world we are constantly told what we are not, what we need to be and how to do everything.  But God says we are His kids and that He loves us  Our pictures are on His refrigerator.  Why attempt to be what this world wants?  We are children of the King. Let’s strive to be what He wants.

No is a Complete Sentence – Sometimes we get so bogged down on the “yes machine” for lots of reasons. We don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, we really should do that or it is our turn. When saying no we might feel guilty.  Why?  Whose approval do we crave? Why justify, explain and seek permission to just say “No.”